Parents are just WEIRD.

So. Sports Day for The Smalls.

Not sports day, Sports Day.

Now, I’m just going to remind you of the ages of the delightful kiddos. Isaac is 3, Noah is 4. They are both in pre school. Currently, their important things in life are watching Bubble Guppies, making sure they don’t pee themselves, and causing me aggro at bedtimes. (I dunno what that is all about, but that shit needs to stop, yo.)

Anyway, Foundation and Reception (Noah) went first with their stuff, and it was all lovely. Shitty weather, but you know, they were serving free tea, coffee, scones, strawberries and cream up at the hut on the edge of one of the playing fields (bigger than that of my old high school, which housed some 1,100 kids). I obviously had my pro camera, because OBVIOUSLY I wanted some decent pics of my kid in action. However, I point blank refused to be that parent who got in the way of everyone else. And I stuck to it, too.

So anyway, it’s Noah’s turn to run, I’m on the edge of the track by the finish line, trying to stay off the actual track, as repeatedly instructed by the members of staff. So, to say I was immensely fucked off when one of the other moms suddenly stepped out into the track, in front of everyone else so none of us could see (I was crouched down trying to give everyone else a chance while grabbing at least one decent photo), jumping up and down and very much Being In The Way.

It’s entirely possible I yelled at her, not so much “kindly move over to give everyone a chance” but more like “CRYING OUT LOUD I CAN’T SEE AND NEITHER CAN ANYONE ELSE! YOU NEED TO MOVE!!”

She moved over. For 2 seconds. And then stepped in front of everyone again. I couldn’t see Noah, and how I didn’t lose my marbles right there and then is beyond me. I suspect it has something to do with the Mr being nearby, and also trying to make a good impression with the other parents. Or something. I stand firm in being proud over the fact that I didn’t punch her square in the face when the race was over, she turned and asked “Did you get the shot? Did you get them crossing the line?”

Holy. Mother. Of. God.

“No sweetheart, but I got a great shot of your ass. Want to see?” was my reply.

10 minutes later. In my head.

I found it disturbing, when another parent insisted (repeatedly) on looking at the photos on my camera, being absolutely dead certain that her child had finished in 1st place, not 3rd place. And then threatening to dispute it. And then laughing and joking about it. And then spending 20 minutes looking at the video on her mobile phone.

The child in question was 3 years old.

Both my boys were AWESOME. Noah won one race and came 3rd in another.

After he won his race (which involved all manner of obstacle insanity, including bean bags and things), he turned to me and loudly asked “Mommy, are you proud of me?” Trying not to burst into tears on the spot (because I’m hardcore and don’t do that), I replied “of course, Noah. Of course I’m proud of you. So very proud. You ran your races and have tried really hard. You’ve done brilliantly.”

How can I not? For the final relay, he ran like it was the most exciting moment of his life, and his face showed it. “Did you see me run fast Mummy? Was I really quick?” “Yes Noah. You were amazingly quick.”

Isaac didn’t win any of his races. And he didn’t care. Because when you’re 3 years old, and you haven’t got your parents laying a whole ton of pressure on your shoulders, and you’re let out into the school field which is the biggest thing you’ve ever seen, and you see your parents cheering for you, you don’t care.

You just want to enjoy doing what you do best – being a kid.

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  1. Kat says:

    Kids and pressure. Not a good combination. However I am impressed that your school awards actual 1st 2nd and 3rd ribbons, because kids also need to know, not everybody finishes first and sportsmanship.

    Disputing the races of 3 year olds? Really?

  2. says:

    A mum in our Mother's Race broke her collar bone when she was accidentally (on purpose) tripped over as she was making good time. Scary shit!
    I lost my temper last year as my then 5yr old (who turned 5yrs ON sports day) was not "in the zone" when it came to the team games, such as the much rehearsed under the legs and over the head race. He was shouted at by one of the parents in the same team "For goodness sake Kieran, you are spoiling it for everyone,,,, concentrate!". It was the only time he was shouted at.
    Sports days are about FUN people FUN! And for parents to be able to grin and cheer at their kids and their classmates, regardless of whether they are athletes or not.

    Sports day is in no way EVER about putting your ass in the way of anyone's camera lens.

  3. petitmew says:

    I was expecting to see a picture of a huge butt but happy to see some big smiling boys having a great time!
    As for disputing a race… really? At that age? It's just for fun!

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      I confess, petitmew, I nearly blogged the actual photo of her ass. And then decided I didn't want to waste my blog space…

  4. Vonnie says:

    People are absolutely mental about kid stuff. I have to admit, I do miss ye olde school sports days with the egg and spoon race, Mums race etc but up here that's all fallen by the wayside for team sport activities. Nice in theory but what happened to celebrating success?

    ANYWAY. Your boys are just lovely Jay – glad they both had a fun time.


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