The way I see it, is that it’s not how you see it.

I wrote this a few weeks ago.

Im currently on a train to London as I write this. I’m going to see a therapist. He does hypnotherapy. I’ve been to one before, he was really good.

I’m sure you can probably guess why I’m going. If you know me.

I’m hoping to learn a lot about how I see things. I don’t just mean with my eyes, but with my whole mind.

As I’m looking out the window, I think back to being a kid and how I could stare endlessly out the window for hours and hours whilst on a train. Even in the underground, I’d stare out the window into the blackness, always finding something to see, some how.

Whilst I’m doing this journey on the train, I’m realising some things about myself.

I’m one of those long winded, expressive, arty creative types; you know, the ones who are. Just that little bit eccentric and you never quite know what questionable bollocks they’re going to come out with next.

I don’t fully fit that bill, I think, but I know I’m close.

And I realize this because of the way I see things. I’ve thought for a long time, that there are too many colours and visions in my head. Tat there are too many things for me to see, and that the things I DO see, I don’t seem to see them like I suspect most other people do.

Which is a bit infuriating, because I think my head would be a lot calmer, and clearer, and quieter, if I didn’t see so much.

As I’m watching the world whizz by own this Pendolino (which smells delicious because everyone’s eating breakfast), I can’t work out why my mind is insanely happy to drink in everything it’s seeing. And I mean everything.

If it wasn’t for the crap all over the windows on the outside, I suspect I would have taken a frillion pictures. Not necessarily to show off to other people, but just to let my brain process. It does a lot of processing. I see stuff, but I don’t often process it until I’ve seen it.

I think.

Processing means more noise.

I like processing, in a weird way. It helps me maintain control of what I see, what I have to hear. And I see and hear a lot. Sometimes I wonder if I see and hear too much; that seems to be when I get all twitchy and want to do something else instead.

When I get to this therapy session, I hope I’m not muted. Oddly, I hope everything else isn’t muted, because the noise and what I see is some kind of security blanket. It’s me, it’s what I do, it’s who I am.

I still want to be able to see. Maybe it would be better to see less? Or maybe how I see it is actually very important?

Maybe, just maybe, I’ll figure that out one day.


Shut Down

On Friday, I went to see Trevor. It’s been a long time coming and, quite frankly, I’m running out of options. I’m tired of being so fucking ill all the time, and even when things are seemingly going well, I’m tired of it bubbling under the surface.

Any way, he only went and stirred up a whole ton of shit and remember that stuff I wrote a while back about “noise“? Well fuck me in the eye, it’s so fucking noisy up in here right now I swear I might actually scream until I explode.

Of course, he stirred shit up in a good way; I appreciate that. There’s a whole ton of stuff from years gone by which needed fixing. I’m trying to fix it. WE’RE fixing it. I can’t do it on my own.

Now, the deadline for JMP Christmas orders was Monday just gone. Admittedly, I’ve been all laid back, thinking no one would really order anything. Or, if people did order stuff, it wouldn’t be much. Maybe 20 prints, tops, all orders totalled up. Instead, I’m powering (hah! Powering. That’s a fucking laugh) through about 500 prints, 3 storybooks and an album. Of course, with the usual lashings of really whiny children who have had colds for a month (A MONTH) and are desperately clingy, and then people assuming I have all the time in the world thinking I do nothing but sit around and chat shit all day, and then my shitty little neglected blog, in which I want to write stuff but everything I want to say just seems a load of bollocks.

I am physically shutting down.

I can feel it.

I can feel my senses going numb, giving in to the pressure of trying to absorb everything at top speed (why can’t they just absorb some of the stuff? Why ALL of the stuff?) and feeling like I’m a lifting crane with one bolt that’s just a fraction too loose.

I promised myself I wasn’t going to lose it this year. I said to myself, goddammit, I cannot, CANNOT cope with having yet another Christmas kick my fucking ass. ENOUGH.

This frigging noise which just will not stop is driving me MENTAL. Trevor gave me an MP3 to listen to in the same way I do with Thinking Slimmer (I’ve already listened once – holy crap I’ve never had someone’s voice put me in a subconscious trance so bloody fast) and that’s already becoming my lifeline to sanity.

Whatever the hell that is.

I don’t know if this feeling is shroud-like. I don’t think it is. Though, at the same time, I could just go find a corner, in an abyss of blackness and curl up, letting it absorb me. I would absorb it. Become nothing. Stop functioning, stop time, stop everything.

I really want to shut down.

So why don’t I? Why can’t I? Am I just going through the usual motions? Same old shit? “Yeah, all moms do that, everyone has been where you are, we’ve all felt it…”

Really? Have you? Really? If the option to cease existing (I don’t mean “die”, I just mean literally STOP) was presented to me on a platter for me to have, I think I would take it. Selfish? Yeah ok. Call me what you like, I really don’t care. It makes no difference to me. Personally, I don’t think it’s selfish to want to use any means possible to stop the endless screaming noise in my head.

What’s the opposite of “euphoria”? Is there an opposite? Only, it’s not excitement and happiness, it’s stone cold deadness; the extreme feeling of having the most highest state of nothingness wash over you. Some kind of blankness that pretty much seeps into your every pore, over every inch of you, and consumes you until all that’s left is a living, breathing, blank faced, staring corpse.

That’s what it feels like, I think. The state my body and mind seems to want to escape to. I feel it, washing over me in waves.

I guess that’s a kind of shutting down. I wonder if that’s how I’ll ever get to shut down. Maybe.