All Change, AFK

I’ve been due for a change for a long time.

A lot of things need to change. Some, I can take my time with, others need to change sharpish. As ever, I’ve been altering some things slowly over a period of time, but since being AFK a little bit more than usual, I’ve gotten a better idea of where I’m going with those changes.

Plus, it’s always nice to look around and see other things changing. Nothing like a good chunk of inspiration to smack you in the face.

(Apart from minor cropping, these are all straight from camera.)

Mocha Beanie Mummy, Spring, March 2012 © Mocha Beanie Mummy

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  1. Lovely pics. Am I the only person in the world who doesn't know what AFK means? Is it catching?

    • mochabeaniemummy says:

      Heh, AFK means "Away From Keyboard" ;)


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